
Verdict: Rejected in round 2

Round 1 (1.5 hr)

  1. Introduce yourself.
  2. Questions on my Machine Learning project and what difficulties I faced in it and how I overcame it.
  3. DSA Interviewer gave me blank sheets on which I wrote the pseudocode and made diagrams and explained the solution.
  4. Merge K sorted List Gave a Brute-Force approach of merging all the list into 1 and then sorting. Then optimized it. Questions on time complexity and space complexity of my approaches.
  5. Give an array of numbers. For every arr[i] replace it with the next largest number present in the array. Replace the largest one with -1.
    Input: [3,9,5,7]
    Output: [5,-1, 7, 9]
  6. Do you have any questions? I asked about the tech stack.

Round 2 (1.5 hr)

  1. Introduce yourself.
  2. What role do you prefer Frontend or Backend?
  3. Design Cache. Questions on cache working and Hashmap. Questions on data structure that I used , followed with “Can this be optimized further?”
  4. Design Rate Limiter system. Questions on my approach to the problem followed with “Can this be optimized further?”
  5. Joins in DBMS.
  6. Do you know how SQL commands are executed ?