If Coding is an art, then naming variables is the first skill to master. We give a name for everything, everything inside a program from a variable to package and everything outside a program from files to directories. If not named properly then it will make you regret, if not that very day a few days later for sure xD. How to name variables ?

  1. The name should tell why it exits, what it does, and how it is used. eg:
    int ca =0, cb=0;


    int countA= 0, countB=0;
  2. Avoid Disinformation. eg. markLists -> roll no in 0th index and marks in 1st index
    public int search(List<<int[]> markLists, int rollno){   
    for(int[] i: markLists){  
    if (rollno==i[0]){  
    return i[1];  


    public int getStudentMarks(List<int[]> rollNoAndMarks, int targetRollNo){
    for(int[] student: rollNoAndMarks){
    if (targetRollNo == rollNoAndMarks[ROLL_NO_VALUE]){
    return student[MARKS_VALUE];
  3. Make Meaningful Distinction eg: getAccount() getAccountInfo() to getAccountNumber() getAccountInfo()

  4. Use Pronounceable Names
    class DtaRcrd102 {
    private Date genymdhms;
    private Date modymdhms;
    private final String pszqint = "102";
    /* ... */


    class Customer {
    private Date generationTimestamp;
    private Date modificationTimestamp;;
    private final String recordId = "102";
    /* ... */
  5. Use Searchable Names Variables should be easy to search. eg: PASSING_MARKS can be easily searched and edited as compared to searching for 35 in a pile of code.
    public boolean isPass(int marks){
    return marks>=35;


    public boolean isPass(int marks){
    return marks>=PASSING_MARKS;

    How to name a Class? Classes and objects should have noun or noun phrase names like Customer , WikiPage , Account , and AddressParser . Avoid words like Manager , Processor , Data , or Info in the name of a class. A class name should not be a verb.